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- by
- Dick Bull
- When writing and running file
- programs in BASIC, I would run into
- an apparent lockup in my 64. I had
- read some articles on garbage
- collection. Could this be my
- problem?? After rereading the
- articles I was convinced that this
- was indeed what was happening and
- went along with the authors' opinion
- that nothing could be done about it.
- When working on my last program,
- however, it became a major problem,
- so I went back to the research.
- Microsoft BASIC used by Commodore
- does not set aside a specific
- location to store its strings in.
- Instead it utilizes any unused memory
- available, starting at the highest
- address used by BASIC, 40959, and
- works down until it's about to
- collide with the BASIC arrays. BASIC
- arrays store themselves working
- upwards. You can't possibly use up
- the 30k remaining after your program,
- can you?.. Yes!!! Here comes the
- garbage. A simple program can use up
- a lot of "string memory":
- 10 B$="bill": print "[clr]"
- 20 input "Your name";A$
- 30 print "Hi "A$
- 35 if A$=B$ then 60
- 40 print "sorry I am not looking for
- you today"
- 50 for t= 1 to 2000: next: goto 10
- 60 print "lets get to work"
- 70 rem rest of program
- Each time a new name is entered it
- uses up memory, not permanently like
- a program or the strings you want to
- keep, but temporarily until the
- computer needs the room. Suppose I
- were to enter "Fred" to the prompt in
- line 20. The computer would store it
- like this:
- 40949 = d
- 40958 = e
- 40957 = r
- 40956 = F
- The computer then sets the pointer
- for a$ (elsewhere in memory) to point
- to 40956. "Fred" is not what the
- program was looking for so the
- program goes back to 10. Next I enter
- "Tom"; the computer continues to store
- in a downward direction and changes
- the pointer for a$ to start at 40953.
- 40955 = m
- 40954 = o
- 40953 = T
- "Fred" 40956 - 40959 becomes useless
- garbage. The computer is content to
- waste this space until it is needed.
- When the 64 goes to store a string
- and can't find enough room, it takes
- out the garbage, crunching any
- strings that are still needed toward
- the top of memory.
- This garbage collection routine can
- take considerable time and your
- computer will appear to lock up.
- I don't know the maximum time it can
- take, but I know I have hit the
- run/stop key and finally the
- [run/stop restore] out of desperation
- thinking the computer had gone to
- never never land. It will take about
- nineteen minutes for 3800 strings to
- be garbage collected.
- There are two variables: how long
- will the garbage collection take and
- how often will it be needed. The
- number of valid strings and the
- number of string arrays declared in a
- dim statement have the greatest effect
- on the time needed to garbage
- collect. The amount of garbage
- generated and the length of the
- strings still needed does not have a
- significant effect on the time
- required. They will ,however,
- determine how often garbage
- collection is needed.
- Doubling either the number of
- strings used or the number
- dimensioned doubles the time
- required. A variable dimensioned to
- 200 and with 100 used will take about
- 1.5 seconds; dimed to 500 and 250
- used takes 8.4 seconds; 3200
- dimensioned and used will take 13
- minutes and 29 seconds to crunch the
- strings and clear the garbage.
- You can force the computer to
- garbage collect at a time convenient
- to you by using the fre(0) command.
- This is what I tried first, forcing a
- collection when returning to the main
- menu. It soon became a pain in the
- neck to wait, even if the computer
- had just done the job. I had read
- that you could not predict when
- collection was going to occur so this
- was the best that I could manage. I
- could tell from the partially
- finished menu screen that it was
- garbage collecting and not locked up.
- Thinking of my predicament, I kept
- coming back to the fact that if the
- computer knew when it needed to
- collect, why couldn't I know too?
- Looking at a memory map I discovered
- the solution. Memory locations 51
- and 52 contained the pointer to the
- bottom of string storage. Location
- 49 and 50 contained the pointer to
- the top of basic arrays. A one line
- computation would tell me the amount
- of unused memory available before
- garbage collection was necessary:
- 300 f= peek(52)*256 + peek(51) -
- peek(50)*256 - peek(49)
- Not needing an exact figure I was
- able to shorten the test and write
- the following routine that prints a
- prompt and forces collection if it
- would be needed soon:
- 300 IF PEEK(52)-PEEK(51)>1 THEN
- 310 PRINT"[home][red]TAKING OUT THE
- 320 FR=FRE(0):PRINT"[csr up][39
- spaces]":POKE 198,0 : RETURN
- It is then only necessary to place
- a gosub 300 after each string
- manipulation. Line 300 checks for
- at least 256 free bytes left. If so,
- it returns to your program. If the 1
- in >1 is increased the routine can be
- called less often. The max input#
- length is 80 charactors, so with >1
- it could be called every three
- inputs, 3 * 80 = 240.
- If it is time to collect garbage
- the prompt in 310 is printed,
- collecting is accomplished, and
- the prompt is erased by line 320. By
- poking 198 with 0 it clears the
- keyboard buffer in case someone has
- been impatiently pressing keys. The
- prompt gives the indication of what
- is currently going on within the
- apparently locked-up computer. The
- colors and the positioning used can
- of course be altered to fit the
- program.
- It is reassuring to see the prompt
- come on and then clear before
- execution is resumed. I also added
- sound routines at the start and end
- to alert me to the change in program
- status.
- -----------<end of text>-------------